All Orders
Order Details
Product Number, Product Description and Quantity
Institution Name
Billing – Contact Name, Institution Name, Address, Email and Telephone Number
Shipping – Contact Name, Institution Name, Address, Email and Telephone Number
Method of Payment
Purchase Order, Credit Card, SWIFT or Wire Transfer – Please Request Payment Information for details.
Shipments in the United States are sent via next day air Monday through Thursday.
International Orders Only
We will charge all transportation costs to your FedEx or other shipper account.
There is a currency exchange fee for international orders if payments are drawn on a non-U.S. bank account.
Your Broker or Freight Forwarder Information (if you use one)
Name of Organization and Full Name of Contact Person at Organization
Postal Address
Telephone Number including Country Code of Contact Person
Email Address of Contact Person
FedEx Account Number
Shipping Method and Hazardous Material
Unless otherwise directed we ship FedEx – International Priority on dry ice or blue ice, depending upon the product’s requirements. Dry ice is a hazardous material. There is a handling charge of $50.00. In some countries, packages will need to be picked up at the airport.
Tariffs, Duties and Taxes
All tariffs, duties, and taxes will be charged directly to your FedEx account or broker.
Organization’s Tax Number
Your organization’s tax number from your government is needed for tariffs, import duties and taxes. Examples are VAT number, Tax ID number or TVA
Tax Exempt Form
If your institution is tax exempt, this form is required to waive import duties and taxes.
Your Institution’s Import Permit
Required for Australia and may be needed for other locations
International Ship Dates
Shipments to Canada and Mexico are made Monday through Thursday. All other International orders are shipped on Fridays.